Welcome to our website dedicated to all things hunting and outdoor activities! On this page, we’ll be discussing the state laws surrounding wild boar hunting in the United States.
Hunting is an exciting and rewarding outdoor activity, but it’s important to follow the rules and regulations set forth by each state to ensure a safe and sustainable experience. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of wild boar hunting laws for all 50 U.S. states, so whether you’re a seasoned hunter or just starting out, you’ll have all the information you need to plan your next hunting trip with confidence.
Read on to learn more about wild boar hunting state laws!
Table of Contents with allowed/not allowed notes

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: There is no closed season and no bag limit. Hunting is year-round on private land. A hunting license is required in Wildlife Management Areas (WMA). Night hunting on private land only, with dogs only.
Hunting License: Residents can purchase an All Game license for $27.75. Non-residents can buy a 3-Day Trip for $139.60.
For any licensing questions call (334) 242-3465.
Purchase an Alabama hunting license here https://www.alabamainteractive.org/dcnr_license/welcome.action
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Website: http://www.outdooralabama.com
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Hunting on private land is legal year-round. Hunting on public land is also year round, excluding certain WMAs on their website.
Hunting License: Residents can purchase a Sportsman’s License (RS) for $25. Non-residents can buy a 1-day hunting license for $55.
For any licensing questions call 800-364-4263.
Purchase an Arkansas hunting license here: https://ar-web.s3licensing.com/Customer/Search
Arkansas Game & Fish Commission
Website: https://www.agfc.com/en/

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Open season all year with no bag limit.
Hunting License: Wild pig tags are required with a license. A license for residents is $51.02. A 1-day non-resident license is $24.33. A pig tag for residents is $24.33, and $82.08 for non-residents.
For any licensing questions call (916) 445-0411.
Purchase a California hunting license here: https://www.ca.wildlifelicense.com/InternetSales/.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Website: https://wildlife.ca.gov/

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: There is no closed season, no bag limit, and no license required for hunting wild boars in Colorado.
Hunting License: For a general hunting license, residents pay $40.24 and non-residents pay $401.83 for a year.
For any licensing questions call (303) 291-7227.
Purchase a Colorado hunting license here: https://www.cpwshop.com/purchaseprivilege.page.
Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Website: https://www.cpwshop.com/home.page
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Wild hogs can be hunted year round with permission from the land owner. No license or permit is required. There’s no bag or size limit and night hunting is legal. Hunting on WMAs is allowed except during Turkey season.
Hunting License: No license is required. For any questions call (850) 488-4676.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Website: https://myfwc.com/

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: There is no limit and no closed season. Night hunting is allowed on private land only.
Hunting License: Residents can purchase a license for $15. Non-residents can buy a 1-day license for $20.
Purchase a Georgia hunting license here: https://license.gooutdoorsgeorgia.com/Licensing/CustomerLookup.aspx
Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Wildlife Resources Division
Website: https://gooutdoorsgeorgia.com/

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Hunting wild boars in Hawaii is legal during hunting season on public lands and only in Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Oahu, and Kauai.
Hunting License: For residents, a hunting license costs $10.00. For non-residents, a license is $95.
For any licensing questions call (808) 587-0166.
Purchase a Hawaii hunting license here: https://hunting.ehawaii.gov/hunting/license.html.
State Of Hawaii, Division of Forestry and Wildlife

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Hunting wild boars in Idaho is not regulated, and it is legal.
Hunting License: Residents can purchase a license for $12.75. Non-residents can buy a 3-year license for $154.75.
Purchase an Idaho hunting license here: https://idfg.huntfishidaho.net/login.
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
Website: https://idfg.idaho.gov/

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Hunting wild boar is only allowed during deer season.
Hunting License: Resident can get for $12.50. Non-residents can buy a 5-day license for $35.75.
Purchase an Illinois hunting license here: https://www.il.wildlifelicense.com/license.php?action=custlkup.
Illinois Department of Resources
Website: https://www2.illinois.gov/dnr/Pages/default.aspx

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: According to Indiana state law, “A landowner, tenant, or other person with written permission of the landowner can shoot or trap a wild hog on that landowner’s private property without a permit.”
Hunting License: No hunting license is required.
For hunting licensing questions call 800-457-8283.
Indiana Gov site
Website: https://www.in.gov/core/

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: There is no permit needed. It’s legal to hunt on public and private lands where hunting is allowed.
Hunting License: There is no license required.
For any hunting licensing questions call 800-532-2020.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Website: https://www.iowadnr.gov/Hunting
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Wild boars are legal to hunt year round. There is no bag limit except on Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area.
Hunting License: A hunting license is required.
For any hunting licensing questions call 800-858-1549.
Purchase a Kentucky hunting license here: https://app.fw.ky.gov/Solar/default.aspx?renYr=2020.
Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources
Website: https://fw.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Hunting wild hogs is open year-round during shooting hours. Night hunting is allowed on private property.
Hunting License: Residents can buy a license for $15. Non-residents can buy a 1-day license for $150.
For any hunting licensing questions call 800-256-2749.
Purchase a Louisiana hunting license here: https://la-web.s3licensing.com/.
Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries
Website: https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: There’s no bag limit, and hunting is statewide with a license.
Hunting License: Residents: $11, non-residents: $151.
For any hunting licensing questions call 517-284-6057.
Purchase here: https://www.mdnr-elicense.com/Customer/Login?mode=0
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Website: https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: There’s no bag limit, hunt on owners’ property year round, designated agents year round with permission from owners, and boars can be “accidentally” killed during hunting season on public land.
Hunting License: All game license requirements. Residents: $25, non-residents: $300 ($125 7-day).
For any hunting licensing questions call 601-432-2400.
Purchase Here: https://www.ms.gov/mdwfp/licensing/login
Mississippi Wildlife Fisheries & Parks
Website: http://www.mdwfp.com/
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
New Hampshire

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: You must hunt with a license during shooting hours, if you’re not on private property.
Hunting License: Residents: $32, non-residents: $113.
For any hunting licensing questions call: 877-450-4994.
Purchase Here: https://www.nhfishandgame.com/Instruction.aspx?m=l&s=2020
New Hampshire Fish & Game
Website: https://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/index.html
New Jersey

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Permitted during deer season and during hunting hours in certain areas.
Hunting License: Residents: $27.50, non-residents: $135.50
For any hunting licensing questions call: 609-292-2965.
Purchase here: https://nj.aspirafocus.com/internetsales
NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife
Website: https://www.nj.gov/dep/fgw/index.htm
New Mexico

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Residents and non-residents legally may hunt feral hogs year-round without a license (ref: http://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/hunting/information-by-animal/unprotected-species/).
Hunting License: None. Call here for more info: 888-248-6866.
New Mexico Game & Fish
Website: http://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/
New York
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
North Carolina

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: No closed seasons, no bag limit, night hunting is allowed on private land.
Hunting License: License is required. Residents: $25, non-residents: $80 for a 10-day license.
For any hunting licensing questions call: 888-248-6834.
Purchase here: https://www.ncalvin.org/Alvin/Security/Login.aspx?public=license
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
Website: https://www.ncwildlife.org/
North Dakota
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: No closed season, and no bag limit.
Hunting License: Residents can get a 1-year license for $19. Non-residents are $40.56 for a 3-day license.
For any hunting licensing questions call: 800-945-3543.
Purchase here: https://oh-web.s3licensing.com/Home
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Website: https://ohiodnr.gov/wps/portal/gov/odnr-core/home

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Night hunting is allowed on private land with permission, year-round. On public land during part of the hunting season.
Hunting License: No license is required.
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
Website: https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Allowed on private land with permission from the owner, and on public land with a license.
Hunting License: Residents are $34.50 Non-residents are $172.
For any hunting licensing questions call: (800) 720-6339.
Purchase here: https://odfw.huntfishoregon.com/login
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Website: https://myodfw.com/

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Allowed where protection has been removed, with a license
Hunting License: Residents are $20.90. Non-residents are $101.90 for a 1-year license.
For any hunting licensing questions call: 717-787-4250.
Purchase here: https://www.pgc.pa.gov/HuntTrap/LicensesandPermits/Pages/default.aspx
Pennsylvania Game Commission
Website: https://www.pgc.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Rhode Island
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
South Carolina

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: There is no closed season with a license.
Hunting License: Residents are $12/yr. Non-residents are $125, or $70 for a 3-day license.
For any hunting licensing questions call: 866-714-3611.
Purchase here: http://www.dnr.sc.gov/purchase.
South Carolina Hunting & Fishing
Website: http://www.eregulations.com/southcarolina/huntingandfishing/
South Dakota
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Allowed on private land year-round, no bag limit, and night shooting with exemptions. On public land, boars can be killed in regards to certain regions, with a license.
Hunting License: Residents are $34/yr on a Big Game Gun license. Non-residents are $214.50 for a 7-day All Game license.
For any hunting licensing questions call: 888-891-8972.
Purchase here: https://license.gooutdoorstennessee.com/Licensing/CustomerLookup.aspx
Tennessee Hunting & Trapping
Website: http://www.eregulations.com/tennessee/hunting/

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: No hunting license is required to hunt feral hogs on private property with landowner authorization.
Hunting License: On public land, residents are $25, non-residents are $315.
For any hunting licensing questions call: (800) 895-4248.
Purchase here: https://www.txfgsales.com/
Texas Parks & Wildlife
Website: https://tpwd.texas.gov/regulations/outdoor-annual/
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: open season, no bag limit, night hunting, with a license
Hunting License: Residents are $23/yr, non-residents are $60 for a 3-day license.
For any hunting licensing questions call: 866-721-6911.
Purchase here: https://www.dgif.virginia.gov/licenses/
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
Website: https://www.dgif.virginia.gov/
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)
West Virginia

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: Allowed on private land without a license, on public land with a license, and only 1 per year.
Hunting License: Residents are $35, non-residents are $119.
For any hunting licensing questions call (304) 558-2758.
Purchase here: https://www.wvhunt.com/
West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
Website: https://www.wvdnr.gov/Hunting/Hunting.shtm

Wild Boar Hunting: Yes (source)
Hunting Regulations: There is no closed season, no bag limit, and a Small Game license is required with permission from the owner of where you hunt.
Hunting License: Residents are $18, non-residents are $55 for a 5-day license.
For any hunting licensing questions call: 888-936-7463.
Purchase here: https://dnr.wi.gov/GoWild/resident.html
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Website: https://dnr.wi.gov/
Wild Boar Hunting: No (source)